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Trails & Legends with the BACAJIPARE

Copper Canyon is a group of interconnected canyons that form one of the largest, deepest rock formations in the world. It has a unique history characterized by early indigenous cave markings and sacred hidden tombs. At its deepest point, it reaches a depth 1,462 feet lower than the Grand Canyon. The park is 155 miles wide and 372 miles long and encompasses hundreds of man-made trails carved out by the indigenous Tarahumara that settled the canyon centuries ago.  In the Bacajipare community, you can participate in guided tours all around the canyon witnessing breathtaking views and learning about its hidden secrets from authentic Tarahumara descendants.


Please note that the Bacajipare hiking trails accept drop-in guests, but this is based on availability and is not recommended for large groups who have itineraries.

GIants trail

Los gigantes Rarámuri ("The Rarámuri giants") inhabited the Sierra Tarahumara a few decades ago. The Ganocos giants lived in the Sierra until they began to eat something that the community did not allow. Do you want to know what it was? Discover the history of the giants on this path with the best view of the Urique River in the Copper Canyon. â€‹

Duration: 3 hours

Distance: 3.5 km

Difficulty level: Medium/High

What you need: comfortable shoes

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 250 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at â€‹ 635.110.9872

Giants Trail

light footed trail

The Rarámuri are famous around the world for being "ultra-marathoners", as their light feet allow them to run great distances without getting tired. Do you want to know why? This trail will uncover the stories of why the Raraámuri have run all their lives. This low/medium difficulty path is suitable for anyone that wants a taste of nature and can walk for at least an hour. 


Duration: 1 hour

Distance: 1 km

Difficulty level: Low/Medium

What you need: comfortable shoes

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 120 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at  635.110.9872

Light Footed Trail

rock stories trail

The Rarámuri culture is one of the oldest and best preserved in Mexico. Their ancestors left their stories on the walls of the ravines hundreds of years ago. This trail will get to know the Rock Paintings of the sun, moon, stars, and their incredible stories. 


Duration: 40 minutes

Distance: 500 meters

Difficulty level: Low

What you need: comfortable shoes

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 50 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at â€‹635.110.9872

Rock Stories Trail

ancient trail

The ancient Rarámuri are still alive in the culture of the Sierra. Do you want to discover them? This trail will take you to the ancient tombs in the caves of the Sierra. Their ancestors' remains are still sacred in the community. You will also walk through one of the best views of the canyon.


Duration: 1 hour

Distance: 1 km

Difficulty level: Low/Medium

What you need: comfortable shoes

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 120 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at â€‹635.110.9872

Ancent Trail

bacajipare trail

The Tarahumara mountain range is divided in two: The high Tarahumara range and the low Tarahumara range. This trail takes you down to Tarahumara to visit the community of Bacajipare and the Tarahumara museum designed by the Rarámuri community.


Duration: 3 hours

Distance: 4 km

Difficulty level: Medium/High

What you need: comfortable shoes

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 200 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at â€‹635.110.9872

Bacajipare Trail

panoramic trail

This is the best option for those who want to walk accompanied by Rarámuri guides and go looking for the landscapes of Barrancas del Cobre. This trail goes from the Adventure Park to the B station and returns comfortably by cable car.


Duration: 1 hour

Distance: 1 km

Difficulty level: Low/Medium

Included: Rarámuri guide and water

Price: 400 MXN

Booking is required. To reserve your trip with our guide, please call us at â€‹635.110.9872

Panoramic Trail
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